
,8,And I came to England to make your acquaintance!,P30,難句解讀,我也正是到英國來找你的!,acquaintance為名詞,意為“相識,領會,熟人”,acquaintance用作不能數名詞時,示意“熟悉,熟悉”;用作可數名詞時,示意“熟悉的人”。,acquaintance的常見搭配及表達有:make sb.’s acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb.結識某人;,have a passing acquaintance with…對……有膚淺的領會;,have some acquaintance with…懂一點兒……;,have no acquaintance with…不熟悉……;,have a nodding acquaintance with…與某人有頷首之交,對某事物略知一二,例如:,I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.,約莫在那段時間,我結識了幾位音樂家。,I have never made his acquaintance.,我與他素昧生平。,I have some acquaintance with Japanese.,我懂一點兒日語。,Claire has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.,克萊爾結交很廣。,難點深究,(1) acquaint為及物動詞,意為“使熟悉,使熟悉,使領會”,習習用法為:be acquainted with 熟悉、熟悉……;acquaint sb./oneself with…使某人/自己領會。,例如:,I’m not acquainted with the lady. 我不熟悉那位女士。,You first need to acquaint yourself with the filing system. 你首先需要熟悉文件歸檔方式。,(2) acquaint,inform,notify的區別:這三個動詞都有“通知、見告”之意。,區別在於:,acquaint指提供有關信息或情形使某人熟悉某些歷程或龐大的情形;,inform是通俗用詞,指轉達事實或信息,或指經由研究或觀察而獲得的事實或信息;,notify指正式通知需要注重的事情。,例如:,These books acquaint Chinese readers with the ancient cultures of these lands.這些書輔助中國讀者領會這些區域的古代文化。,If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once.,你要是看到什麼可疑的器械就馬上通知警員。,We’ll notify her to draw up a contract.,我們將通知她起草一份條約。,9,Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class…,P30,難句解讀,一樣平常來說,人們對那些他們以為是上等階級的人要更禮貌些……。,who指導定語從句,從句中的of示意“隸屬”關係。generally speaking意為“一樣平常來說,總體上講”。,例如:,Birds of a feather flock together.,物以類聚,人以群分。,Generally speaking, women live longer than men.,一樣平常而言,女性壽命較男性長。,Generally speaking, I felt that the plan is practical.,總的來說,我以為這設計是切實可行的。,難點深究,(1)frankly speaking坦率地說;,honestly speaking 忠實說,說真話;,strictly speaking嚴酷地說;,to tell the truth說真話;,judging from從……來看,,這些短語作插入語時,形式是牢靠的,不受句子主語的影響。,例如:,Judging from his accent, he is a stranger.,從他的口音判斷,他是個外地人。,(2)“of+抽象名詞”常用來形貌人或事物的性子、特徵,相當於與該抽象名詞同詞根的形容詞,名詞前還可有great,much,some,little,no等定語示意水平。該結構在句中可作表語或定語。,可用於該結構的抽象名詞及相對應的形容詞有:importance—important;interest—interesting;significance—significant;use—useful;help—helpful;value—valuable;ability—able;benefit—beneficial等。,例如:,What his boss said is of great importance. =What his boss said is very important.,他老闆所說的異常主要。,Sports and games can be of great value to people’s health.,體育運動對人們的康健是很有價值的。,The medicine is of no use.,這種葯毫無用處。,George is a man of great courage.,喬治是一個勇氣特殊的人。,10,someone who steals sth or robs sb…,P32,難句解讀,偷器械或搶劫某人的人。,rob為及物動詞,意為“搶,搶劫(賓語為某人或某地);剝奪,
使失去”。 robber為名詞,意為“搶劫者,搶劫犯”;robbery為名詞,意為“搶劫案”。,例如:,The tomb was robbed of its treasures.,墓葬的財寶被洗劫一空。,He had been robbed of his dignity.,他已失去了尊嚴。,A last minute goal robbed the team of victory.,最後一分鐘的進球使這個隊失去了獲勝的時機。,難點深究,rob, steal, cheat的區別:,rob示意“搶”,多用於rob sb./some place of sth. 結構;steal 示意“偷”,多用於steal sth. from sb./some place結構;cheat示意 “騙”,多用於cheat sb. (out) of sth.結構。,11,Higgins thought that a superior social position was more dependent on grammar and pronunciation than on a person’s fortune.,P32,難句解讀,希金斯以為高條理的社會職位取決於一小我私人的語法和發音,甚於他的運氣。,superior 作形容詞時,示意“優異的,優等的;更大的,更強的;上級的,上司的;有優越感的,高慢的”;,作名詞時意為“上級,主座,上司;優勝者”。 由於superior自己含有對照意義,因此不能在前面再加more。在與另一事物舉行對照時,與之搭配的介詞要用to,不能用than。,例如:,These goods are of superior quality.,這些商品品質優良。,Jack is my superior officer.,傑克是我的上司。,He smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car.,他開着那輛昂貴的新車駛過時,狂妄地微微一笑。,This carpet is superior to that one in quality.,這塊地毯在質量上比那塊好得多。,He always does what his superior tells him.,他對上級唯命是從。,Among novelists perhaps only Tolstoy is his superior.,小說家中可能只有托爾斯泰勝他一籌。,fortune為名詞,意為“運氣,運氣”,,常見的搭配有:,have a good/bad fortune 運氣好/運氣欠好;try one’s fortune 碰運氣;seek one’s fortune 找出路,碰運氣;tell one’s fortune 算命;a change of fortune 時來運轉。fortune亦可作“大筆的錢,財富”講,如:come into a fortune 繼續大筆遺產,make a/one’s fortune 發大財,spend/pay/cost a fortune 花許多錢。,例如:,It was his good fortune/luck to take over the company at the right time.,他在適當的時刻接受公司,運氣真不錯。,He decided to go to America to try his fortune.,他決議去美國碰碰運氣。,I had the good fortune to meet him.,我很幸運碰着了他。,I am delighted with my change of fortune. 我為我時來運轉感應喜悅。,The little girl came into a fortune after her uncle died.,她叔叔去世后,誰人小女孩繼續了一大筆遺產。,She dreamed of making a fortune.,她夢想發大財。,The car must have cost you a fortune. =You must have spent a fortune on the car.,這輛車一定花了你許多錢。,be dependent on/upon示意“依賴,依賴,在……方面不自力”。,例如:,I’ll never be dependent on anyone again. 我不會再依賴任何人了。,You can’t be dependent on your parents all your life.,你不能能一輩子依賴怙恃生涯。,難點深究,(1)與superior用法相同的詞另有inferior,senior,junior。be senior to… 比……職位/級別高,比……年長;be junior to… 比……職位/級別低,比……年輕;be inferior to…比……低等/差。,例如:,He is ten years junior to me. =He is junior to me by ten years. =He is ten years younger than me.,他比我小10歲。,(2)depend為動詞,意為“決議於,指望”。,習習用法有:,depend upon/on 依賴,依賴,信託,依……而定;,depend on sb. to do指望某人去做;,depend on it that…指望……(此句型中it是形式賓語,that從句是真正的賓語);,“depend on+wh從句”意為“視……而定;取決於……”;,That /It (all) depends. 那得看情形。,例如:,All living things depend on the sun for their growth.,萬物靠太陽生長。,That depends on how you solve the problem. 那要看你若何解決這個問題。,You can depend on him to help you.,你可以指望他來幫你。,You may depend on it that he will join our club. 你可以指望他加入我們的俱樂部。,Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.,我們的樂成取決於每小我私人是否起勁事情。,He may help you, but that depends.,他也許會幫你,但那得看情形。,(3)luck, fortune, destiny, fate的區別:,這四個名詞均含“運氣”之意,區別在於:luck是通俗一樣平常用詞,指好的或壞的運氣,尤多指好運氣,有時也指樂成或愉快的下場;fortune多含有幻化無常的意味,指由時機或運氣來決議的一種運氣;destiny強調擲中註定,是天意,還常示意展望未來之意;fate多比喻不幸或殞命,含宿命的意味,有粘稠的神話或迷信色彩,常有無可怎樣之意。,例如:,Luck was with us and we won the first round easily.,我們運氣好,第一輪易如反掌就贏了。,Fortune smiled on me.,我交了好運。,Your destiny is interwoven with mine.,你的運氣已和我的運氣連繫在一起了。,She wondered what fate had in store for her next.,她不知道以後守候她的將是什麼運氣。,12,He gave me a musical box at my birthday party and I gave him a wonderful new coat in return.,P32,難句解讀,他在我的生日聚會上送給我一個音樂盒,而我給了他一件漂亮的新外衣作為回禮。,in return 意為“作為回報,作為交流”。,例如:,Mr White helped me a lot, and in return, I bought a present for his birthday.,懷特先生幫了我不少忙,作為回報,我給他買了份生日禮物。,難點深究,in return for sth.與 in response to…的區別:,前者示意“作為對……的回報,作為對……的交流”,後者示意“作為對……的反映/回應”。,例如:,He bought her a box of chocolate in return for her help.,為答謝她的美意,他送給她一盒巧克力。,He sold his soul in return for power and money. 他出賣靈魂以換取權力與款項。,Professor Li laughed in response to his jokes. 李教授聽了他的笑話大笑起來。,13,Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation,P34,難句解讀,亨利·希金斯和皮克林上校坐着深切地攀談。,deep in conversation為形容詞短語作狀語說明主語的情形。deep in sth.意為“專心致志做某事,專一做某事”,既可作狀語,也可作表語。,例如:,Mr White was deep in conversation with the teacher when John came in.,當約翰進來時,懷特先生正和先生深入攀談。,He was deep in thought, not noticing the noise around him.,他陷入沉思中,沒有注重到周圍的喧鬧聲。,難點深究,(1)deep in sth.作為副詞短語,還可以示意“在……深處”。,例如:,deep in/into the night (=far into the night) 在深夜,直至深夜;deep in one’s heart 在某人心裏深處;deep in the forest 在密林深處;deep in the earth 在地下深處。,(2)示意“專心致志……,專一於……”這一意思還可用be lost in…, be buried in…,be absorbed in…。,例如:,Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.,他陷入了沉思,差點撞到他前面的車。,The poor woman was buried in grief after her husband died.,這個可憐的婦人在丈夫死後一直陶醉在悲痛之中。,Absorbed in novel, he forgot his appointment.,他專心看小說,遺忘了約會。,14,I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twentyfour distinct vowel sounds.,P34,難句解讀,我原本還很自負,由於我能清晰地發出24個完全差其餘元音來。,句中fancy oneself (as)意為“自以為是……;自命特殊”。,fancy作形容詞意為“華美裝飾的, 龐大的,引人注目的,時髦的,昂貴的,好的”,作名詞意為“喜歡, 理想, 想像力”,作及物動詞意為“想象, 希望, 貪戀”。,例如:,All eyes were rested on the fancy car. 所有的眼神都注視着那部新穎的車。,A fancy hairstyle will be great for a party.加入晚會梳個時尚髮型很不錯。,He sells poor goods and charges fancy prices.,他出售的商品很糟,要價卻異常昂貴。,The store sells fancy fresh fruits.,這商鋪出售優質的鮮果。,I have taken a fancy to that new bicycle. 我異常喜歡那輛新自行車。,You have to discriminate between fact and fancy.,你得分清事實與理想。,In the spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.,春天,年輕人的想像力很容易轉移到關於戀愛的遐想上去。,She fancied herself (as) a famous actress.,她自以為是個名演員。,難點深究,fancy doing 示意“想不到會做(某事)”,常用於祈使句,示意讚歎。,例如:,Fancy meeting so many old friends!,想不到會遇到這麼多老同夥!,15,Show her in, Mrs Pearce.,P34,難句解讀,皮爾斯夫人,帶她進來。show sb. in/into意為“帶或領……進來”。,例如:,My secretary will show you in.,我的秘書會領你進去。,Pat will show you into the building.,帕特會帶你到樓里去。,難點深究,有關show的動詞短語有:,show sb. the door 對某人下逐客令;show sb. out 送某人出去;show sb. around a place 率領某人旅行某地;show off 炫耀;show up 加入,露面。大家都在找算命網(出不去門的人)
,16,(Compromises)OK, I’ll teach you.,P38,難句解讀,(提出折衷設施)好吧,我教你。,compromise作不及物動詞時,意為“妥協,折衷,以折衷設施解決,讓步”,多用於compromise on sth.(在某方面讓步),compromise with sb. on sth.(在某方面同某人妥協)結構中。作名詞時示意“妥協,折衷”,,常見搭配有:,make a compromise 作出讓步,妥協;reach/arrive at/come to a compromise 殺青妥協,互讓息爭。,例如:,I would rather die than compromise.,我寧死不妥協。,He found it wiser to compromise with her. 他以為與她妥協更明智。,We simply can’t compromise on the question of human rights.,我們就是不能在人權問題上讓步。,We had to compromise with them on safety measures.,我們只幸虧平安措施方面同他們妥協。,We should settle the problem by compromise.,我們應當折衷解決這個問題。,Neither of them is willing to make a compromise.,他們兩人誰也不願意妥協。,Can the two sides reach a compromise? 雙方能互讓息爭嗎?,17,I’d never have come if I’d known about this disgusting thing you want me to do…,P35,難句解讀,我要是知道你要我做這種醜事,我是絕不會來的……。,這是一個示意與已往事實相反的虛擬語氣的句子,其形式為:從句用已往完成時,主句用would/should/could/might+have done。,例如:,If he had come here yesterday, he would have seen his old friend.,若是他昨天來這兒的話,就會見到他的老同夥。,If it hadn’t been for you, the boy would have been drowned.,若是不是你的話,這男孩就淹死了。,disgusting為形容詞,意為“令人厭惡的,令人作嘔的;完全不能接受的”。,例如:,The place smelled disgusting.,此地的氣息令人作嘔。,It’s disgusting the way taxes keep going up.,稅額不停增添,着實恐怖。,難點深究,disgust 作名詞意為“厭惡,憎惡”,,習用短語有:,in disgust 厭惡地;to one’s disgust 令某人反感的是。作動詞時示意“使厭惡,使憎惡”。形容詞disgusted示意“厭惡的,憎惡的”,副詞disgustedly意為“厭惡地,憎惡地”。,18,She’s in need of both.,P35,難句解讀,這兩個方面她都需要。,need作名詞時示意“缺乏;必須;需要;不幸,逆境”。,need的常見表達以及用法有:,in need 在難題時,在貧困之中;in need/want/demand(of…)缺少、需要(……);have (no) need of sth. (不)需要某事物;There’s no need for sth./(for sb.) to do sth.(某人)不需要做某事,(某人)不必做某事/做某事沒需要;It is no need/use/good doing sth.做某事沒用。,例如:,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,災禍之交才是真同夥。,Good secretaries are always in great need/want/demand.,好的秘書總是很缺少。,The car is badly in need of repair/is in great need of repair.,這輛車急需修理。,Since we have a new system, we have no need of this old software.,既然我們有了新的系統,就不再需要這種舊軟件了。,There’s no need for me to break the window for I have the key.,我沒需要打破窗戶,由於我有鑰匙。,It’s no need trying to solve the issue between the nations by means of war.,通過戰爭方式解決兩國之間的爭端是無用的。,難點深究,need作動詞示意“需要,缺乏”時,注重以下的用法:sth. needs/needed doing相當於sth. needs/needed to be done,示意“某事物需要……”。,例如:,The computer needs repairing.,=The computer needs to be repaired.,電腦需要修理了。,The wall needs painting.,=The wall needs to be painted.,牆需要粉刷了。,19,But you cannot overlook that!,P35,難句解讀,你可不能小看這個問題!,overlook為及物動詞,意為“俯視,俯瞰;未看到;忽視;不剖析;不予思量”。,例如:,Our backyard is overlooked by several houses. 好幾棟屋子都看得見我家的後院。,His services have been overlooked by his employers.,他的服務一直未獲得他僱主的重視。,She’s been overlooked for promotion several times.,幾回提職時都沒有思量她。,難點深究,overlook, ignore, neglect 的區別:這三個詞均有“忽視”之意,,區別在於:overlook強調由於不注重或胸懷寬闊而忽略小事或他人的過錯;ignore指有意不理睬;neglect指由於不在乎、不喜歡而造成的疏忽。,例如:,The mother overlooks her little son’s bad behavior.,那位母親忽視了她的小兒子的不良行為。,The driver ignored the traffic lights.,司機闖了紅燈。,No country can afford to neglect education.,任何國家都不容忽視教育。,20,…(fades out as they go off stage together),P35,難句解讀,……(兩小我私人一道朝台下走去,聲音逐漸削弱)。fade作動詞時意為“(聲音、畫面)逐漸消逝,(使)褪色,乾枯”。,例如:,Mountains fade into the distance in this view from a ferry.,從渡船上看去,山逐漸消逝在遠方。,As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness.,夜幕降臨,海岸線融入茫茫夜色中。,The voice on the radio faded out.,收音機中的聲音逐漸消逝了。,These sunproof curtains will not fade.,這些耐曬的窗帘不褪色。,Flowers soon faded when they have been cut. 花剪下后很快就會枯萎。,難點深究,fade out,fade away,fade in,fade up的區別:,fade out 指“(聲音、畫面)逐漸模糊,漸淡”; fade away指“(自視野,聽力或影象中)逐漸消逝”;fade in 意為“(影戲、電視中的畫面與聲音)淡入,逐漸显示出,使漸強”。 在示意聲音的逐漸消逝時,fade out, fade away 以及die away可通用。,例如:,The sound of the boy’s crying faded out in the distance.,誰人男孩的哭聲在遠處逐漸消逝。,The memory of childhood faded away as he grew up.,隨着他的發展,童年的影象也逐漸消逝了。,A view of the prairie faded in.,一個草原的情景漸顯。,-END-
