May everyone’s wishes come true ——
Highlights of questions and answers in Khenpo Sodargye’s teachings
How should an entrepreneur make choices between profits and moral ethics?
Question: I’m in the investment business. The other day I met an entrepreneur who had difficulty deciding between making profits and observing ethics.
The market is very competitive today. If he uses raw materials that meet human health standards, he has to pay a higher production cost by three or four times.
In the beginning, he insisted on such an approach to safeguard human health, as he had sufficient funds accrued from his previous real estate business.
But after two years in the market he was barely able to maintain his business, as his production costs were higher than others, and customers could not appreciate the superiority of his products in that short time. He felt he had no choice but to start using raw materials that are harmful to human health.
As a result, he was able to lower his production costs and has made a distinct improvement in his capital since June of this year.
I need your advice on how an entrepreneur like him should make the right choices when encountering such a dilemma?
Khenpo: Today these things happen quite often.
If the action is driven only by personal profit, while ignoring the danger to public health, it is definitely improper and will bring retribution in times to come.
Whatever kind of job you do in this life, try your best not to harm other beings.
If you can uphold this principle, then even if you’re not in a cushy job or making much money, at the minimum you’ll have a peaceful mind and enjoy unruffled days.
Sure, for ordinary beings it’s not always possible to live an absolutely taintless life.
Nowadays, many devious people will stop at no evil. Living in this kind of environment, it’s difficult to avoid bad thoughts from cropping up at times.
Even so, we must never deliberately inflict harm on sentient beings!
We may not yet have the capacity to expose or prevent the glut of unhealthy undertakings in society now.
However, I am sure in the future some of you will be able to develop the power and capacity to do so.
Hence, it is imperative that everyone establishes a correct value system to live by. Without setting the right direction of your life, you may cause harm to others.
Why is it necessary for students to accumulate merit while they are acquiring knowledge?
Question: What’s the point for students to accumulate merit while they are getting an education?
Khenpo: To begin with, it’s crucial for students to acquire knowledge.
At the same time, if they also practice virtue and gather merit, they are making a smart move.
A person lacking a stockpile of merit from the past will have bumpy rides in this life and suffer from bad luck.
The ancient text says, “One spark of merit is worth more than a mountain of effort.”
Only through diligently accumulating merit will we get twice the results with half the work in our endeavors.
Otherwise, all our efforts, however arduous, may not necessarily be fruitful.
When students take big exams, those who usually do well but lack sufficient merit may find themselves failing the exams.
Therefore, it is crucially important to accumulate merit.
The Buddha says, “People with virtue and merit will see all their wishes come true.”
As for you students, if you have gathered virtue, your inner wisdom will blossom naturally. You’ll also breeze through your schoolwork, even if you have not been particularly diligent.
In general, powered by the fruit of past virtues, plus the assiduous studies of this life, students will always enjoy a bright academic future and live happily, not only in this life but also in countless lives to come.
Therefore, it is utterly essential to always maintain a good heart and to properly practice virtues such as giving to the needy and making offerings. Please bear this in mind!